Recent Activitie
Publication: Young Adult Migrants’ Social Experiences in Sweden: ‘Melting Pot’ and ‘Salad Bowl’ Perspectives on Social Integration
Interview: (Julian Reed) Oxyocin and its role in political and social life
Presentation: ’Café’: Non-state social actors’ initiative to create inclusive social spaces for migrants

Research Pulications

2024. Young Adult Migrants’ Social Experiences in Sweden: ‘Melting Pot’ and ‘Salad Bowl’ Perspectives on Social Integration. Children & Society

2024. Social Resilience: A Critical Synopsis of Existing Definitions. Corvinus Journal of Sociology and Social Policy
2024. Birth Care Belief Practices: Traditional Mother-Child Care during Birth in Rural Punjab, Pakistan. Journal of Ethnology and Folkloristics.

● 2023. Conceptualizing social resilience in the context of migrants’ lived experiences. Geoforum

Migration, social resilience, and social integration

Socially valued child and childcare

Social Research (YouTube Cannel)

Poster exihibtion: Social Resilience

Oral Presentations

April 2024. The ’Café’: Non-state social actors’ initiative to create
inclusive social spaces for migrants.
Aalborg University, Copenhagen, Denmark.

March 2024. Social resilience: A paradigm shift from Psychology of resilience to social Psychology of resilience (I to We and We-ness). University of Applied Sciences, Utrecht, The Netherlands.
July 2022. Social value of the child: A resource for enhanced social experience and social resilience in pro-baby global south. University of Suffolk, Ipswich, United Kingdom.

June 2022. Researching Migrant Children: Proposing a Qualitative Research Mosaic. University of Ljubljana, Slovenia.

Statement (commitment to diversity, equity and inclusion)

With my international education, research, and teaching experiences, I have interactive social competence to foster mutual understanding, shared activities, shared sense of responsibilities, and acceptance of differences. One important aspect of my recernt research on social resilience and migration is closely linked with social inclusion with dignity and living together. I have good exposure, experience, and understanding of multicultural environment, diversity, and inclusion.

Researchers and professionals' perspectives and experiences can provide a great deal of theoretical and practical knowledge to conduct research.

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@ ( Azher Hameed Qamar, Ph.D